The Clearing: Glass and Stone

The stone wall was broken. The sides were bulging outwards, elbowed aside by tree roots snaking through the wall’s interior; where the sides had been loosened the top had slumped in on itself. In some places the wall was little more than a clitter of rocks scattered on the ground, in others it still stood, the stones used to build it now resting on one another unwillingly. … Read more

The Clearing: My Father’s Nest Boxes

I am looking at an old photograph: small, black-and-white, a man I do not recognise has climbed a ladder to a nest box. The ladder is at a strange angle, enough to distress the Health and Safety Executive. On the back, in my father’s handwriting, is pencilled ‘Nagshead, Forest of Dean. Bird Box Experiment. Hubs’, written palimpsest-like over an earlier note ‘Nagshead, ’50, hubs’. … Read more